These are examples of key design elements from a variety of projects. Some serve as the focus for the total work, others are accents contributing to the overall aesthetic; rhythm, harmony, manipulation of landform, all while respecting the elements of nature.
Creation of a landscape that fuses classic architecture with playful entertaining, taking full advantage of the bucolic setting.
Designer Showcase, Villa Maria, New York
Rekindling the essence of a grand but casual country estate in a recently parceled 10-acre property. The design is an homage to the property originally designed by the Olmstead Brothers at the height of the Country House Movement.
Rendering of a garden that moves from the architecture of a formal residence into the landscape, ultimately dissolving into nature.
Our renovation of a 13th-Century hilltop convent garden, creating an edible garden and colorful romping grounds for an active family.
In September 2010, the Hickory Daily Record featured a story on a new memorial garden designed by Sally Pagliai (Memorial garden opens to the public, 9-13-2010): Memorial garden opens to the public By Richard Gould Nancy and Harley Shuford were key to the foundation of Hickory’s …
In April 2010, the Hickory Daily Record featured a story on a large sculpture designated as the centerpiece of a new garden designed by Sally Pagliai (SALT Block sculpture gets new home, 4-30-2010): Artwork to be centerpiece of new garden By Sarah Newell Williamson The large …
rebirth in life and garden Landscaper follows life cycle of love, grief and understanding By Tina Firesheets Staff Writer Apr 6, 2009 GREENSBORO — Life is like a garden. That’s the way Sally Pagliai sees it, anyway. And she should know. Pagliai, (pronounced pal-e-eye), an …
In October 2004, House & Garden magazine covered the 2004 Hampton Designer Showhouse and showcased the garden of Maston and Langinger featuring landscape designers Jack deLashmet and Sally Pagliai.